My Coaching Story
My journey to coaching has been an interesting and organic one. I have worked in the legal profession for 34 years, during which time I have undertaken many roles within a law firm! When I left working in house as Head of Compliance for a national law firm, I set up a compliance and business consultancy. As time went on, I was mentoring and coaching Managing Partners and their leadership teams.
I have worked with different industries which gives a great perspective on how organisations work, how their people think and the culture within those organisations.
Outside of the law, I was a Peer Support Mentor with the local authority on a voluntary basis, something which I absolutely loved and it's about giving back as well as earning.
I was lucky enough to attend a Tony Robbins "Unleash the Power" seminar 16 years ago. I was newly divorced, lost in the respect of I didn't know who I was anymore. One of the key take aways for me was that you literally can do anything.
This is coming from a girl who was involved in a BBQ accident, spending years of hospital appointments etc to deal with the injuries suffered. But do you know what - I did something NO ONE would ever think I could have done. YES a FIREWALK!! There I was walking across hot coals at London Excel and you know I still remember the amazing feeling at the end of it!
My aim is to help you and/or your business. The essence of my work is to facilitate growth by helping you identify the core challenges and setbacks so that you can overcome them with confidence and providing tools to guide you forward and achieve your desired goals.
With business, I work with all levels or the organisation and very much adopt a "top down, bottom up" approach.